Friday, June 20, 2014


Today Gavin finished filling his library summer reading program tracking sheet with stickers - this means since May 27 he has read 50 books! This is a huge deal since he has always been a reluctant reader. Somehow the promise of trinket toys and free frosty coupons has enticed him to get reading. We are so proud of him! Great job Gavin!

 Celebratory run through the sprinklers:

Gavin has also been a great helper to me this summer, especially concerning Amelia. I compliment him about this often, and yesterday when I told him he was the best helper ever he said, "Will you tell everybody that?" I sure will!

Gavin's speech has improved quite a bit this past year and most of what he says is pretty clear. There are still some little kid terms and pronunciations that he uses that I love and will miss when they're gone:
  • ice cream = "oss keem"
  • popsicle = "popsicle stick"
  • thirsty = "drinky"
  • lego = "weggo"
  • and recently, butterfinger candy bar = "one of those hand things"