Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas toys

Gavin's absolute favorite toy he got for Christmas was this stuffed dog that dances and sings "Who let the dogs out?" Gavin loved playing with it so much we had to hide it so he would pay attention when we opened his other presents. It is actually a re-gifted present that was given to Jake by his mom several years ago. I never saw Jake do this with it:
Gavin also really likes this vtech toy that has a bunch of buttons that you push and to either hear music or a description of the picture on the button. Gavin's favorite button is the one with a picture of a baby that magically says "Hello Gavin, booga booga booga" in Daddy's voice.
Gavin got a bunch of books, but his favorite, of course, was the one with the big picture of a dog on the front. He doesn't care about the story too much, but he loves to play with the cover.
Gavin also really likes his ride on car/ push toy. He prefers to crawl around pushing it, however. He also likes to sit on it and be pushed around. He really like opening and closing the hood, and taking things out of it that I hide in there.
And, as always, the tv remote control is a favorite. Gavin crawled away while we were opening his presents to go play with it.