Saturday, June 18, 2011


Isn't that a beautiful pool?
I don't really even want to go into what a stressful ordeal it was to get it that way. It's too depressing. Suffice it to say it took a month and we ended up draining it and starting over.
But it was worth it for this guy: 
 We're in the pool almost every evening now, after it gets late enough to not have to mess with sunscreen. Gavin could stay in there all day. He just finished up 2 weeks of refresher swimming lessons. He still requires some occasional cueing to stay in the correct form in the water but all in all he is an awesome little swimmer. His biggest problem is that he often times doesn't want to stop to rest or turn over and float to breathe while swimming - he just wants to go go go. But somehow most of the pictures I took are of him floating. I have a video too if I can ever get it uploaded.

 Our garden is doing pretty well too: