Wednesday, July 22, 2015

18 Months

Last week Amelia turned 18 month old. She weighs 23.5 lbs (34%) and is 32.25 in tall (67%). Sunday she started going to nursery by herself. She lasted both hours and I was told she did well, no crying. At one point I peeked through the window and found her properly sitting still in a little chair during singing time. She has been a firecracker at home lately, so I was not sure how she'd do in nursery. She's been throwing more fits lately, as well as getting big bursts of energy and running around willy nilly, climbing, and throwing. She's taken to throwing her food at times, and today in the grocery store she was grabbing stuff out of the cart to throw on the floor. Not cool. She likes being in the pool, but would rather I leave her alone on the stairs (nope). At times she attempts to just jump off the stairs or out of my arms, with no fear at all. But she is still a sweet girl, and still gives the best hugs.

This was 2 Sundays ago, couldn't get her to sit still long:

This past Sunday, her 1st attending nursery. Photo session didn't start out too well: 

 But got better, especially when Gavin helped make her smile: