Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day update

This Labor Day Jake is mowing the grass, Amelia is napping, and Gavin is making something with a cardboard box while I update the blog. It's gotten harder to do as Amelia is no longer allowed in the computer room - she likes to climb on top of Jake's desk and mess with all his electronics. Lately I've been napping almost every day. Amelia and I both have bad colds but we seem to be on the tail end of them. Hopefully. 

Gavin started 2nd grade at the beginning of August. He likes his teacher and is doing well. He never has any big complaints about his school day. He is doing well with his school work and getting points for good behavior every day. Recess is still his favorite. Amelia has adapted to being home without Gavin, although they're both happy to play together after school. She's spent a few mornings with my parents while I run errands, we've had a few play dates, and I've been doing a lot of reading while she plays. Amelia is saying lots and lots of words now, but rarely phrases. She likes to sing and dance, her favorite song is "Wheels on the bus."

 1st day of school last year:

August 14th Jake and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. My parents stayed with the kids while we spent a weekend in Atlanta. We stayed at a nice hotel, went to the temple, an art festival in Piedmont Park, the High Museum, saw a movie, and ate lots of good food. Jake is still talking about the sausage on the fancy breakfast buffet at the hotel. It was such a great weekend. 

 Gavin's model engine toy now lives in Amelia's room. It got moved in there this summer when my parents were staying with us and never left. Amelia plays with it a lot more than Gavin ever did. And what is remarkable is that she can manipulate the parts and use the tools pretty well.

 Cheerios in front of cartoons one morning. Curious George is her favorite, followed by Daniel Tiger. She says "monkey" and "George" quite often.

 Gavin lost his fourth tooth this week: