Friday, March 26, 2010


Last week I was cleaning out Gavin's closet and he decided he wanted to try on his Elmo costume I recently bought at a consignment sale. It's still pretty big on hime but he loved it, and threw a big fit when I made him take it off because it was making him hot and sweaty.

This week Gavin has been sick with allergies or a cold or a combination of both. He's been getting upset pretty easily, and not listening to us at all when we ask him to do something. However, bath time always makes him happy. I sit and read while he plays in the tub. This is when I read the Ensign, our church's magazine. I let Gavin play until the water gets cold, but he would stay in there all day if I let him. Also, "bubbles" is his favorite word lately, one of the few he is using consistently.
Today I am so thankful that I get to be a stay at home mom and work only on days that I choose to work. I worked today and will tomorrow as well while Jake watches Gavin. I haven't worked 2 days in a row in a few months, and I am really tired. I enjoy my work, but miss being home with Gavin while I am there. I can't imagine having to work full time and only being able to spend a couple hours a day with my family. I know a lot of working moms who seem to be able to do it all, but I'm glad I don't have to be one of them.